Dream Babies

Thoughts. Poems. Art. Discussion.

Metal for Peace

Life is on shuffle
Metallica when you were hoping for Pink Floyd

We get metal for peace

The intros, almost the same

Another Brick in the Wall II or One
A war opens them both
This war opens us both
Cracked open, all the moths fly out to the sounds of machine gunfire ::::::
Your words, my breath
Your judgement, my reflection
Truths I could never really look at
Not in this way
and I say to you
All I need is truth, but man, do I?
It’s a lot to bear and bare
Naked and aging, we stand before each other, mirrors
Same hopes, same fears
Difficult year.

In the middle of the night
It all slows down
Most things are asleep, even the pain, usually.

Pink Floyd is peace except for in its pain

Gilmore or Waters

Hetfield or Mustaine

metal for peace

peace for pain

Painfully, however, awake this night, in thundering Adagio in G minor
Now, that song is, a battle you can hear – the heart’s pain, the heart’s indecision, and the heart’s realization
How can sound speak like that?
How can our sounds, sound like that?
The way we did.

All in slow motion under the light of the moon.

Moths of our mouths fluttering, perching on heart strings, leaving warfare wing dust.

There’s not even breaths between the onslaught.

Copyright © 2018 Camille Elizabeth – 22 spheres ephemera