Your eyes are broken headlights
Dancing in my dreams
My God, your silence
But I used it wisely
I let it burn and transform me
And now it’s on the rise
The heartstrings imbibe
Yes, dancing
Unending lies
Dancing in the night
Inbetween lies
Inbetween raindrops
thepower of the pause
I glide
By your side
I am alone with these feelings tonight, so I think
I cried
Then again I have no idea what you hide
No agenda in sight
Crooked or straight
The mystery abides
So, I made it my night to win against my demons inside
They were mine and yours and silence’s ever connected
The only way to truly transform is in the night
Just like a wolf
Just like a stranger
Stranger than I’d ever like
Can you smell it snarl
An awful breath to witness
Teeming with drool and anger in its eyes
Inches from your face
Does it bite?
Not yet,
Not tonight
But it will
And it will smite
And bring forth the ring of victory for us
Because why?
Because I kept quiet
Because I’m beautiful
And so are you
so, so beautiful
Your finger traced the tattoo on my side
and we liked it
That was the moment
One of them
By your side
Any more?
I decide.
45 minutes
45 nights
All for the winning
of beginnings
Good night 26
Hello shit
Goodbye shit
Hello good life
Good, good life
Alright, alright, alright