I suppose
if I was stranded on the moon all I’d do is think of you and your smile that lights up the universe
that’s what’s in my head with the simple
Ok, not so simple, but elegant, Clare de Lune
it is truly a beautiful tune
I am
I’m stranded on the moon
nothing to drown in
dust and sand
not even wind
no relief
just silence
and my mind which sees more than what is physically available
and that’s when the tunes switch to Jimi Hendrix
might as well blow my own mind since there’s no wind
or any good news
there was once, though
for less than 24 hours
news and relief
split seconds it seems
then all the cards dropped
the planet stopped
and everything flattened
all at once
I’m the only thing standing beside myself in observance
reminiscent of here
reminiscent of there
here, there
it’s all gone
dead air
and the sun still rises here.
Copyright © 2018 Camille Elizabeth – 22 spheres ephemera